Results for 'Samuel Quiroga Soto'

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  1.  45
    Antonio Smith (1832-1877): propuesta de catalogación de su obra.Lorena Villegas Medrano & Samuel Quiroga Soto - 2015 - Aisthesis 58:173-195.
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    ¿Qué habilidades debe desarrollar un futuro docente en su paso por la universidad?Marta Quiroga Lobos, Paula Soto Lillo & Jessica Medina Pérez - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (3):1-10.
    Se buscó identificar las habilidades que debe tener un buen docente desde la percepción de futuros profesores. Se analizaron 1047 respuestas de estudiantes de pedagogía al ingresar a la universidad los años 2021 y 2022. Los resultados arrojan que los futuros profesores consideran el desarrollo de la ética y responsabilidad, la empatía y el manejo del comportamiento de los estudiantes en la sala de clases como las habilidades más importantes a desarrollar en la universidad. Se concluye que tener habilidades para (...)
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    Explaining compound generalization in associative and causal learning through rational principles of dimensional generalization.Fabian A. Soto, Samuel J. Gershman & Yael Niv - 2014 - Psychological Review 121 (3):526-558.
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    Promoting Resilience to Food Commercials Decreases Susceptibility to Unhealthy Food Decision-Making.Oh-Ryeong Ha, Haley J. Killian, Ann M. Davis, Seung-Lark Lim, Jared M. Bruce, Jarrod J. Sotos, Samuel C. Nelson & Amanda S. Bruce - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Children are vulnerable to adverse effects of food advertising. Food commercials are known to increase hedonic, taste-oriented, and unhealthy food decisions. The current study examined how promoting resilience to food commercials impacted susceptibility to unhealthy food decision-making in children. To promote resilience to food commercials, we utilized the food advertising literacy intervention intended to enhance cognitive skepticism and critical thinking, and decrease positive attitudes toward commercials. Thirty-six children aged 8–12 years were randomly assigned to the food advertising literacy intervention or (...)
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    La adaptación y reestructuración orgánica de la Armada.Sebastián Zaragoza Soto - 2002 - Arbor 173 (682):263-279.
    En la década de los años sesenta la Armada acometió un proceso de organización que fue en su momento un auténtico modelo e incluso referencia válida para otras instituciones. Desde entonces, los cambios experimentados en todos los ámbitos han sido tales y tan rápidos, que su reflejo en la Organización de la Armada revelaba que era necesario un proceso de revisión. Desde 1997, la Comisión de Estudios de la Armada (COMESAR) viene trabajando en este sentido y ya se han abordado (...)
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    SPINOZA & TIME.Samuel Alexander - 2016 - Wentworth Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  7. The Basis of Realism.Samuel Alexander - 1914 - [Oxford University Press].
  8. Values behind the market: Kant's response to the Wealth of Nations.Samuel Fleischacker - 1996 - History of Political Thought 17 (3):379-407.
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    ‘The Heat of a Feaver’: Francis Bacon on civil war, sedition, and rebellion.Samuel G. Zeitlin - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (5):643-663.
    ABSTRACT This article contrasts Francis Bacon’s understanding of civil war, sedition, and rebellion with that of his near contemporaries and predecessors, especially Montaigne, Bodin, Machiavelli, Alberico Gentili and Edward Forset. The article contends that for Bacon, civil war, sedition, and rebellion are the antitheses of good government and that which prudent policy aims to avoid. The article further argues that for Bacon as sedition and its extremities are caused by poverty and discontentment, and these, in Bacon’s view, are the result (...)
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  10. Is justification easy or impossible? Getting acquainted with a middle road.Samuel A. Taylor - 2015 - Synthese 192 (9):2987-3009.
    Can a belief source confer justification when we lack antecedent justification for believing that it’s reliable? A negative answer quickly leads to skepticism. A positive answer, however, seems to commit one to allowing pernicious reasoning known as “epistemic bootstrapping.” Puzzles surrounding bootstrapping arise because we illicitly assume either that justification requires doxastic awareness of a source’s epistemic credentials or that there is no requirement that a subject be aware of these credentials. We can resolve the puzzle by splitting the horns (...)
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  11. Origins of the Other, Emmanuel Levinas between Revelation and Ethics.Samuel Moyn - 2005 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 61 (1):57-59.
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    (1 other version)The Lessons of Rancière.Samuel A. Chambers - 2013 - Oup Usa.
    What if "liberal democracy" were a contradiction in terms? This book distinguishes liberalism from democracy to defend a Rancirean vision of impure politics. Disclosing Rancire's refusal of ontology as political, The Lessons of Rancire enacts a critical theory beyond unmasking and a democratic politics beyond liberalism.
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    Right‐wing Rawlsianism: A Critique.Samuel Arnold - 2013 - Journal of Political Philosophy 21 (4):382-404.
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    The Letters. Spinoza, Samuel Shirley, Steven Barbone, Lee Rice & Jacob Adler (eds.) - 1995 - Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company.
    Samuel Shirley's splendid new translation, with critical annotation reflecting research of the last half-century, is the only edition of the complete text of Spinoza's correspondence available in English. An historical-philosophical Introduction, detailed annotation, a chronology, and a bibliography are also included.
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  15. Objects and the Museum.Samuel J. M. M. Alberti - 2005 - Isis 96 (4):559-571.
    This survey outlines a history of museums written through biographies of objects in their collections. First, the mechanics of the movement of things and the accompanying shifts in status are considered, from manufacture or growth through collecting and exchange to the museum. Objects gathered meanings through associations with people they encountered on their way to the collection, thus linking the history of museums to broader scientific and civic cultures. Next, the essay addresses the use of items once they joined a (...)
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  16. Another Kind of Spinozistic Monism.Samuel Newlands - 2010 - Noûs 44 (3):469-502.
    I argue that Spinoza endorses "conceptual dependence monism," the thesis that all forms of metaphysical dependence (such as causation, inherence, and existential dependence) are conceptual in kind. In the course of explaining the view, I further argue that it is actually presupposed in the proof for his more famed substance monism. Conceptual dependence monism also illuminates several of Spinoza’s most striking metaphysical views, including the intensionality of causal contexts, parallelism, metaphysical perfection, and explanatory rationalism. I also argue that this priority (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility in Sub-Saharan Africa: Sustainable Development in its Embryonic Form.Samuel O. Idowu, René Schmidpeter & Stephen Vertigans (eds.) - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book provides a comprehensive overview of corporate social responsibility and its development in Africa. It provides in-depth studies on 11 sub-Saharan countries, demonstrating that corporate social responsibility is forming and going through different stages of metamorphosis in the continent. Though corporate and individual attitudes towards sustainability in Africa still leave a lot to be desired, this book showcases how things are rapidly changing for the better in this regard. It demonstrates and provides evidence for the fact that corporate social (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility: Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies for 21st Century Leaders.Samuel O. Idowu & John O. Okpara (eds.) - 2013 - Berlin, Heidelberg: Imprint: Springer.
    In today's global business environment it is no longer acceptable that a corporation does well simply by doing good. It is expected. With increasing pressures from stakeholders to improve the bottom line as well as to be good corporate citizens, business leaders face tough decisions. What social issues should we support? What initiatives should we develop that will do the most good for the company as well as the cause? Do we include social messages in our advertising, encourage our employees (...)
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    Plato's method of hypothesis in the Middle Dialogues.Samuel Scolnicov - 2018 - Baden-Baden: Academia-Verlag. Edited by Harold Tarrant.
    The present volume is the PhD thesis of Samuel Scolnicov, co-founder of the International Plato Society, published posthumously to illustrate the foundation of his interest in the 'core Plato'. The issues raised in this thesis are now of wider interest than they were then and many of his theses have found wider acceptance. The book is edited by Harold Tarrant, long-time colleague and friend of Samuel Scolnicov and preceded by a foreword not only by the editor, but also (...)
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    Hastening death and respect for dignity: Kantianism at the end of life.Samuel Kerstein - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (5):591-600.
    Suppose that a young athlete has just become quadriplegic. He expects to live several more decades, but out of self‐interest he autonomously chooses to engage in physician‐assisted suicide (PAS) or voluntary active euthanasia (VAE). Some of us are unsure whether he or his physician would be acting rightly in ending his life. One basis for such doubt is the notion that persons have dignity in a Kantian sense. This paper probes responses that David Velleman and Frances Kamm have suggested to (...)
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  21. Moral order and progress: an analysis of ethical conceptions.Samuel Alexander - 1899 - London,: K. Paul, Trench, Trübner, & Co..
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    Analytical Legal Naturalism.Samuel Zinaich - 2020 - Lexington Books.
    This book argues that analytical legal naturalism, which avoids the arbitrary principles associated with legal positivism and the odd properties associated with natural law, is a superior alternative for solving hard legal cases, where no close precedent arises or where conflicting precedents seem relevant.
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    Elliot D. Cohen on the Metaphysics of Logic-Based Therapy.Samuel Zinaich - 2005 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 3 (1):40-49.
    In this essay I consider the question of whether Elliot D. Cohen has justified sufficiently the metaphysical basis for his Logic-Based Therapy as presented in his paper on “The Metaphysics of Logic-Based Therapy (IJPP, this issue). Although Cohen discusses four different foundations of his cognitive theory, I focus only on one. It is the most important basis of his theory, viz., that human beings logically deduce the cognitive-behavior com­ponents of their emotions from premises. First, I question Cohen’s analysis of the (...)
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    John Locke's moral revolution: from natural law to moral relativism.Samuel Zinaich - 2006 - Lanham, Md.: University Press of America.
    I am writing on moral knowledge in Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding. There are two basic parts. In the first part, I articulate and attack a predominant interpretation of the Essay . This interpretation attributes to Locke the view that he did not write in the Essay anything that would be inconsistent with his early views in the Questions Concerning the Laws of Nature that there exists a single, ultimate, moral standard, i.e., the Law of Nature. For example, John Colman, (...)
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    Spillover Effects of Benefit Expansions and Carve-Outs on Psychotropic Medication Use and Costs.Samuel H. Zuvekas, Agnes E. Rupp & Grayson S. Norquist - 2005 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 42 (1):86-97.
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    Mekka in the Latter Part of the Nineteenth Century.Samuel M. Zwemer, C. Snouck Hurgronje & J. H. Monahan - 1932 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 52 (4):383.
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  27. The Glory of the Empty Tomb.Samuel Marinus Zwemer - 1947
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    No Community without Socialism.Samuel Arnold - 2020 - Philosophical Topics 48 (2):1-21.
    As G. A. Cohen’s camping trip argument shows, community is an important value. But is there anything particularly socialist about it? Critics suggest not. Jason Brennan argues that we don’t need socialist institutions to secure community; capitalist ones will do just fine. Louis-Philippe Hodgson argues, in a similar spirit, that we don’t need explicitly socialist principles to secure community; standard-issue liberal egalitarian ones (like Rawls’s) suffice. But these critics are mistaken. Pace Brennan, I show that capitalism inevitably runs roughshod over (...)
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    Locke.Samuel Alexander - 1908 - Port Washington, N.Y.,: Kennikat Press.
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  30. Windows on the Russian past, Essays on Soviet Historiography since Stalin.Samuel H. Baron & Nancy W. Heer - 1984 - Studies in Soviet Thought 28 (3):235-238.
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  31. Windows on the Russian Past.Samuel H. Baron & Nancy W. Heer - 1979 - Studies in Soviet Thought 20 (2):207-207.
  32.  10
    Contemporary essays in the study of religions.Samuel U. Erivwo & Michael P. Adogbo (eds.) - 2000 - Lagos [Nigeria]: Fairs & Exhibitions Nig..
  33.  6
    Divine sovereignty and human freedom.Samuel Fisk - 1973 - Neptune, N.J.,: Loizeaux Bros..
  34.  22
    New Life Korean-English Dictionary.Samuel E. Martin & Hyungki J. Lew - 1953 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 73 (4):210.
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  35. Beyond the Wasteland: A Democratic Alternative to Economic Decline.Samuel Bowles, David Gordon & Thomas Weisskopf - 1984 - Science and Society 48 (2):224-229.
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    The religion of the future, or, Outlines of spiritual philosophy.Samuel Weil - 1894 - Boston: Arena Publishing Co..
    Excerpt from The Religion of the Future, or Outlines of Spiritual Philosophy 1. A new and glorious science of man, of his origin and destiny, has been developed within the last few decades. A new philosophy has been evolved of human life here and hereafter, based upon demonstrated facts and data accessible to all. Stupendous as the science of objective nature has become, it is as the mere shadow thrown upon the canvas of time and matter by the radiant light (...)
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    Putting Liberty in its Place: Rawlsian Liberalism without the Liberalism.Samuel Arnold - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy 26 (1):213-237.
    To be a liberal is, among other things, to grant basic liberties some degree of priority over other aspects of justice. But why do basic liberties warrant this special treatment? For Rawls, the answer has to do with the allegedly special connection between these freedoms and the ‘two moral powers’ of reasonableness and rationality. Basic freedoms are said to be preconditions for the development and exercise of these powers and are held to warrant priority over other justice-relevant values for that (...)
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  38. La storia secondo Robert Putnam.Samuel K. Cohn - 1994 - Polis 8 (2):315-324.
  39. The Philosophical Lectures [1818-1819] Hitherto Unpublished.Samuel Taylor Coleridge & Kathleen Coburn - 1949 - Philosophical Library.
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  40. Alan Watts, Ali Akbar Khan, and Hindustani music in the psychedelic sixties.Samuel B. Cushman - 2021 - In Peter J. Columbus, The Relevance of Alan Watts in Contemporary Culture: Understanding Contributions and Controversies. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    A metafísica da saudade em Leonardo Coimbra: estudo sobre a presença do mistério e a redenção integral.Samuel Dimas - 2013 - Lisboa: Universidade Católica Editora.
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    Species (Human Reciprocity and its Evolution).Samuel Bowles–Herbert Gintis & A. Cooperative - 2012 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 19 (2):260-266.
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  43. Faith and morals in the space age.Samuel Mathai - 1973 - Bombay,: Somaiya Publications.
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  44. African philosophy: Past endeavors and future challenges.Samuel Wolde Yohannes - 2002 - In Claude Sumner & Samuel Wolde Yohannes, Perspectives in African philosophy: an anthology on "problematics of an African philosophy: twenty years after, 1976-1996". Addis Ababa: Addis Ababa University.
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    Association of household demographic variables with child mortality in côte d'ivoire.Samuel Y. Andoh, Masahiro Umezaki, Keiko Nakamura, Masashi Kizuki & Takehito Takano - 2007 - Journal of Biosocial Science 39 (2):257-265.
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    The Christian state.Samuel Zane Batten - 1909 - Philadelphia,: Griffith & Rowland Press.
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  47. British planning under the Labor government.Samuel H. Beer - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
  48. A Autonomia Do Aluno Nas Concepções Clássica E Iluminista De Educação.Samuel Mendonça & Armando Filho - 2012 - Educação E Filosofia 26 (51).
    Neste artigo, procuramos investigar e discutir a questão da autonomia do educando em dois diferentes momentos históricos: o período clássico e o moderno. O problema do artigo diz respeito à pergunta: Como a questão da autonomia discente foi discutida nos períodos clássico e moderno? Baseamo-nos, sobretudo, nas concepções platônicas acerca da Paidéia e, na concepção educacional pensada por Rousseau e por Kant, no período iluminista, orientada por um novo ideal de formação humana que priorizava o desenvolvimento da razão. Ambas as (...)
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  49. Sefer Yovel Li-Khevod Shemu El Kalman Mirski Li-Melot Sheloshim Shanah la- Avodato Ha-Berukhah Bi- Sedeh Ha-Mada Ve-Harbatsat Ha-Torah Be-Amerikah.Samuel K. Mirsky, S. Bernstein & Gershon Churgin - 1958 - Va Ad Ha-Yovel.
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    Hermann Cohen: writings on neo-Kantianism and Jewish philosophy.Samuel Moyn, Robert S. Schine & Hermann Cohen (eds.) - 2021 - Waltham, Massachusetts: Brandeis University Press.
    Hermann Cohen (1842-1918) was among the most accomplished Jewish philosophers of modern times. This newly translated collection of his writings illuminates his achievements for student readers and rectifies lapses in his intellectual reception by prior generations.
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